
Ride Prudential 100

Ride Prudential 100

27 Feb 18

I am excited to share that I will be riding the Prudential Ride 100 in July 2018, and raising money for the guide dogs.

After competing in sportives previously I know how important it is to train well, fuel well and make sure you keep your body in the best possible condition by having regular sports masssages, getting rid of any niggles before they esculate, speeding up recovering after long training rides by removing lactic acid quicker and keeping your muscles trigger point free and in tip top condition. I will therefore be having regular sports massages to keep my body in the best possible shape, not only for the day and riding 100 miles, but all the training that will be required beforehand.

Hydration is also so important whilst training and afterwards, the body and muscles need to keep hydrated otherwise they can not function correctly, it keeps the supply of oxygen to the muscles which will help reduce cramping and heavy sore legs.

Kinesio taping is also fantastic, should you get any aches, pains or muscle pulls. The tape acts the the therapists hands after the massage to allow you to go on your day to day duties.

I will also be booking my post event massage for the day after, a gentle recovery massage to get oxygen back to the muscles, release lactic acid and relieve any DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness).

So wish me luck.

Keep an eye our for my next news feed which will be on taping and the benefits